Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits
discrimination on the basis of race, color, or
national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial
assistance. Two Executive Orders and
related statutes further define populations that are protected under the
umbrella of Title VI. Executive Order 12898 is concerned with Environmental Justice
for minority and low-income populations. Executive Order 13166 is concerned
with providing equal access to services and benefits for those individuals with
limited English proficiency (LEP). The rights of women, the elderly, and
persons with disabilities are protected under related statutes.
Title VI requires that recipients of federal assistance not
discriminate against the protected populations whether the aid is received
directly or through contractual means. Massachusetts
General Law extends these protections to prevent discrimination on the basis of religion, military service, ancestry, sexual
orientation or gender identity or expression. In order to comply with
49 CFR Section 21.9(b), the Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning
Organization (CMMPO) has adopted the following procedure for receiving,
investigating, addressing, and tracking Title VI complaints. The Central Massachusetts Regional Planning
Commission (CMRPC) administers this procedure for the CMMPO.
1. Submittal of Complaints
Any individual who believes that he or she, or any specific
class of persons, has been subjected to discrimination or retaliation, as
prohibited by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and related
statutes, by the Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization
(CMMPO) in its role of planning and programming federal funds may file a
written complaint. Complaints may be
filed for discrimination on the basis of race, color,
or national origin. The complaint must
be filed no later than 180 calendar days after the date the person believes the
discrimination occurred.
Written complaints shall be submitted to:
Chair, CMMPO
c/o Janet A. Pierce, Executive
1 Mercantile Street, Suite 520
Worcester, MA 01608
Complaints shall be in writing
and shall be signed by the Complainant and/or the Complainant’s representative.
Complaints shall set forth as completely as possible the facts of and
circumstances surrounding the alleged discrimination and shall include the
following information:
Complainant name,
address, and phone number;
a complaint statement
the basis of
alleged discrimination (for example, race, color, national origin, or language),
a detailed
description of the alleged discriminatory act(s);
• what in the
nature of the incident(s) led the Complainant to feel discrimination was a factor:
the date or dates
on which the alleged discriminatory event or events occurred;
name(s) of
alleged discriminating individual(s), if applicable.
• other agencies (state, local, or federal) which
the complaint is also being filed
with, and
• Complainant’s signature and date.
When a Complainant is unable to provide or incapable of providing
a written statement and has no designee to do so, a verbal complaint of
discrimination may be made. Verbal complaints may be submitted in person by
telephone at: (857) 368-8580, or TTY: (857) 368-0603, or in an audio recorded
format) to the Chief Diversity and Civil Rights Officer at MassDOT Office of
Diversity and Civil Rights. The Chief Diversity and
Civil Rights Officer will
convert the verbal allegations to writing and provide the Complainant with the
written document for confirmation, revision, and a signature before processing.
In cases where the Complainant will be assisted in converting an oral complaint
into a written complaint, the Complainant is required to sign the written complaint.
Written complaints may also be
submitted to:
Diversity and Civil Rights Officer
Office of Diversity and Civil Rights
10 Park Plaza, Suite 3170
Boston, MA 02116
Office of Civil Rights
Department of Transportation
New Jersey Avenue, SE
D.C. 20590
2. Review of Complaint
Upon receipt of the complaint, the CMMPO chair shall request
the CMMPO Title VI Coordinator (“Coordinator”) to review it. This review may
include the collection of additional information from the Complainant and/or
the alleged discriminating party or parties.
Upon completion of the review, the Coordinator shall
report to the CMMPO chair. The Coordinator’s report
may include recommendations for possible actions to address the complaint.
Recommendations may include:
• forwarding the complaint to a responsible
implementing agency
• identifying available remedial
actions to address the complaint
• identifying CMMPO process
improvements relevant to Title VI and/or Environmental
Justice populations.
3. Responding to Complaints
The Coordinator shall develop a response
to the complaint and recommend action(s) to the CMMPO Chair through the CMRPC
Executive Director for discussion, approval and potential implementation. If the Coordinator determines that a
complaint potentially involves agencies other than the CMMPO, the Coordinator will
advise the CMMPO Chair through the CMRPC Executive Director accordingly. The Coordinator will
then forward the complaint to appropriate individuals at those agencies only if
the Complainant gave his/her consent to do so as explained in the CMMPO Consent and Release Form for
Discrimination Complaints.
The CMMPO Chair shall decide on the response to the complaint
and through the CMRPC Executive Director issue a written response to the Complainant
no later than sixty (60) days after the Chair received the complaint. If more time is required, the Chair shall
notify the Complainant of the estimated time frame for completing the review
and response. The CMMPO Chair will
inform CMMPO members of receipt of a complaint and issuance of a response.
4. Appeals
The Complainant may appeal the CMMPO
Chair’s response to his/her complaint. Appeals
must be submitted in writing no later than thirty (30) days after the date of
the written response to:
Chair, CMMPO
c/o Janet A. Pierce, Executive
Central Massachusetts Regional
Planning Commission
1 Mercantile Street, Suite 520
Worcester, MA 01604-4016
If a Complainant is unable to
provide or is incapable of providing a written appeal and has no designee to do
so, a verbal appeal to a complaint of discrimination decision may be submitted
(either in person, by telephone at: (857) 368-8580 or TTY: (857) 368-0603, or
via a recording) to the Chief Diversity and Civil Rights Officer at the
MassDOT Office of Diversity
and Civil Rights. The Chief Diversity and Civil Rights Officer will convert the
verbal appeal to writing and provide the Complainant with the written document
for confirmation, revision, and a signature before processing. In cases where
the Complainant will be assisted in converting an oral appeal into a written
appeal, the Complainant is required to sign the written appeal.
The Complainant has the right to file formal complaints with
other state or federal agencies and/or to seek private counsel. These
procedures are part of an administrative process that does not include punitive
damages or compensatory remuneration for the Complainant.
5. Tracking of Complaints, Lawsuits
and Investigations
The CMMPO is required to maintain
a list of complaints, lawsuits, and investigations alleging discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin. The list includes
filing date(s), allegation summaries, status of investigations, lawsuits or complaints, and CMMPO actions taken. This list is updated on an ongoing basis and
is provided to MassDOT’s Office of Civil Rights. The CMMPO also maintains a summary of all
civil rights compliance review activities it conducts over the latest
three-year period.
Updated June 2018