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About Us

Founded by the Legislature in 1963, CMRPC provides a variety of services to its constituencies and brings a regional perspective to planning and development. One of 13 Regional Planning Agencies in Massachusetts, CMRPC serves the City of Worcester and 39 surrounding communities in the southern two-thirds of Worcester County. CMRPC’s programs include Transportation, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and Regional Collaboration and Community Planning.

Historically, CMRPC was comprised of two departments: Transportation and Land Use Planning. Transportation assists with multi-modal mobility of people and goods. The Transportation Department is staff to the Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (CMMPO) and helps organizations such as MassDOT, the Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and local governments implement crucial projects. The Community Development and Planning Department (formerly known as Land Use Planning) provides comprehensive planning services, technical planning services, and a variety of grant preparation and administration assistance to its 40 community region. In addition, the Department conducts studies on a broad range of regional growth issues and development trends.

Today, CMRPC includes robust GIS, Transportation and Regional Services programs. For more than 15 years, CMRPC has provided comprehensive GIS services to its member communities and the region. Recently, CMRPC launched the Central Mass DataCommon and Indicators project – a free database and multifunction visualization tool. The Homeland Security program developed as CMRPC received fiduciary support and leadership endorsement by the Central Region Homeland Security Advisory Council. Finally, Regional Services involved in response to municipal fiscal constraints. CMRPC’s staff continually searches for ways that its Member Communities can increase services while reducing costs.


An integral feature of the CMRPC is the work done by the standing committees of the Commission. CMRPC currently has the following committees, comprised of Delegates, Alternates, and, in some cases, technical experts from outside CMRPC.

Title VI Policy

This statute of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides that no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

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CMRPC Delegates & Alternates

Communities with fewer than 8,000 population have one (1) Delegate, 8,000 to 14,999 have two (2) Delegates, 15,000 to 49,999 have three (3) Delegates, and those with more than 50,000 have four (4) Delegates. In addition, each community has an Alternate who may vote in place of an absent delegate. The Commission Delegates meet quarterly with an annual meeting in June. This body is responsible for all policy decisions, including approval of the annual work program and budget. CMRPCs Executive Committee, comprised of six (6) Officers and six (6) Delegates representing each of the planning subregions, meets monthly to oversee all financial, contractual, and personnel matters.

Career Opportunities

The CMRPC is a Regional Planning Agency (RPA) serving the people who live and work in the 40 cities and communities in Central Massachusetts. We welcome to our team intelligent, thoughtful, and highly motivated professionals who are committed to improving the quality of life in the region.

Regional Plan: Imagine 2050

Imagine2050 creates long-range strategies for Central Massachusetts including housing, transportation, economic development, land use, and municipal government.

Municipalities and governmental entities are allowed to contract directly with CMRPC in accordance with MGL Chapter 30B Sections 1 (b) (3) and (b) (9). Contract with CMRPC, contact CMRPC’s Executive Director, Janet Pierce at jpierce@cmrpc.org

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