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The Transportation Planning Program plays an active role in developing both present and future transportation solutions for the CMRPC region. Responsible for coordinating both short and long term transportation planning activities, the CMRPC works with the local communities, where many needs are identified.

Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization

The CMMPO was established in 1976 to undertake the comprehensive, continuing, and cooperative transportation planning process required by the United States Department of Transportation. A Metropolitan Planning Organization is the policy board of an organization created and designated to carry out the metropolitan transportation planning process. CMRPC serves as staff to the CMMPO on various federally required documents.

CMMPO Certification Documents

The transportation planning process is often called the 3C process because it is Continuing, Cooperative, and Comprehensive. The CMMPO uses this process to develop a vision for transportation in the region to decide how to allocate federal and state transportation funds to transportation programs and projects that improve roadway, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure.

Transportation Committees

The CMRPC has many Transportation Committees that work together to help provide planning for transportation projects that include roadways, highways, bridges, transit, and bicycle and pedestrian. The following links will provide information, agendas, and minutes for each Transportation Committee.

CMMPO Title VI Program

The CMRPC is committed, through its Title VI Program and Public Participation Plan, to conducting all of its programs and activities to ensure that protected populations have equal access to the benefits of, and have meaningful opportunities to participate in, the CMMPO’s transportation planning process.

Transportation Planning Areas

CMRPC’s Transportation section works to create and maintain a safe, dependable, and environmentally sound transportation system that promotes liveable communities and the efficient movement of people and good throughout the region.

Municipalities and governmental entities are allowed to contract directly with CMRPC in accordance with MGL Chapter 30B Sections 1 (b) (3) and (b) (9). Contract with CMRPC, contact CMRPC’s Executive Director, Janet Pierce at jpierce@cmrpc.org

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