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CMRPC has a multitude of boards, commissions, and committees that are affiliated with CMRPC’s efforts in the region. Learn more about each of the committees, and learn how you can get involved.

CMRPC Governing Committees

CMRPC Executive Committee


The full Commission, annually elected a twelve-member Executive Committee, which meets on a monthly basis to take action on budget items, to authorize expenditures, and to review personnel issues.

Executive Committee Membership

Commission Officers
Chairperson, Howard N. Drobner, Boylston
Vice Chairperson, Robert Hassinger, Grafton
Treasurer, Daniel Schur, Westborough
Assistant Treasurer, Andrew Coles, Auburn
Clerk, Timothy H. Wheeler, Berlin
Assistant Clerk, Barur Rajeshkumar, West Boylston

Sub-Regional Delegates
North, Otto Lies, Holden
Northeast, Julianne Hirsh, Northborough
Central City, David Quiroa, Worcester
Southwest, William Trifone, Dudley
Southeast, Walter Baker, Sutton
West, Jared Grigg, Spencer

Legislative Affairs Committee


The Executive Committee, elected a five member Legislative Affairs Committee, which meets on an as-needed basis to recommend policies for CMRPC to support, and organize Legislative Affairs events throughout the year.

Legislative Affairs Committee Membership

Andrew Golas, Town Administrator, Charlton, Chair
Jen Callahan, Town Manager, Oxford
Mary Bulso, Commission Delegate, Blackstone
Bill Trifone, Commission Delegate, Dudley
David Quiroa, Commission Delegate, Worcester
Jennifer Warren-Dyment, Town Administrator, West Boylston
Jared Grigg, Commission Delegate, Spencer

Staff Support – Connor Robichaud, Director, Regional Collaboration, crobichaud@cmrpc.org 

Physical Development Committee


The Executive Committee, elects a seven member Physical Development Committee, which meets on a quarterly as-needed basis to recommend projects and initiatives to be approved, utilizing District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) funds. The Physical Development Committee meets a handful of times throughout the year, dependant on project development and availability of DLTA funds.

Physical Development Committee Membership

Chairperson, Timothy Wheeler, Planning Board, Berlin
Vice Chairperson, Robert Hassinger, Planning Board, Grafton 
Otto Lies, Planning Board, Holden
Jean Vincent, Planning Board, Charlton
Meg Haight, Hardwick
Julianne Hirsh, Select Board, Northborough
Conor McCormack, Planning Board, Worcester
Jared Grigg, Select Board, Spencer

Staff Support –  Trish Settles, Deputy Director, Regional Collaboration & Community Planning, tsettles@cmrpc.org

Transportation Committees

Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (CMMPO) Committee


The CMMPO was established in 1976 to undertake the comprehensive, continuing, and cooperative (3C) transportation planning process required by the United State Department of Transportation. The CMMPO is responsible for preparing and updating the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), Transportation Improvement Program, Unified Planning Work Program, and Public Outreach Program (POP) for the Central Massachusetts region. The CMRPC is one of ten members of the CMMPO and it is the staff to this organization as well.

CMMPO logo address

CMMPO Committee Membership

Monica Tibbits-Nutt, Secretary/CEO – Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT)
Contact: David Mohler, MassDOT Office of Transportation – David.Mohler@state.ma.us

Jonathon Gulliver, Massachusetts Highway Division Administrator
Contact: Ann Sullivan, MassDOT District #3 Offices – ann.sullivan@dot.state.ma.us

Joshua Rickman – Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA)
Contact: jrickman@therta.com

Robert Hassinger, Chairperson – CMRPC Transportation Committee
Contact: r.hassinger@ieee.org

Eric D. Batista, Worcester City Manager
Contact: Stephen Rolle, Planning and Regulatory Services – rolles@worcesterma.gov

Michelle Conlin, Shrewsbury Select Board – Northeast Subregion
Contact: mconlin@shrewsburyma.gov

Jesse Limanek, Sutton Select Board – Southeast Subregion
Contact: j.limank@town.sutton.ma.us

John Daniel, Southbridge Select Board – Southwest Subregion
Contact: jdaniel@southbridgemass.org

Jared Grigg, Spencer Select Board – West Subregion
Contact: jgrigg@spencerma.gov

Stephany Mulroy, Holden Select Board – North Subregion
Contact: smulroy@holdenma.gov

Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (CMMPO) Advisory Committee


In order to facilitate the transportation planning process and support the functions of the Central Mass MPO, an advisory committee was established. The membership provides for the involvement of local government officials, transportation professionals, transportation providers, and individuals experienced in economic development, freight, commuter rail, smart growth, environmental issues, regional planning, and other interest groups, ensuring broad representation and a geographical balance of its participants. 

Listing of MPO Advisory Committee Members and Organizations:

  • Adam Menard, Town Planner, Town of Auburn – Chairperson
  • Chris Payant, DPW Director, Town of Westborough – Co-Chairperson
  • Conor McCormack, Town Planner, Town of Millbury
  • Matthew Benoit, Director of Community Development, Town of Douglas
  • John Charbonneau, Town Planner & Community Development Coordinator, Town of Rutland
  • Feanna Jatta-Singh, NAACP, MAWOCC
  • Karin Valentine Goins, WalkBike Worcester
  • Alex Salcedo, MassBike
  • Joanne Clarke, AARP
  • Claudia Oliveira de Paiva, Latino Education Institute (LEI)
  • Caleigh McLaren, Blackstone Watershed Collaborative
  • Benji Kemper, Center for Living & Working
  • Ann Sullivan, Projects Engineer, MassDOT District 3
  • Sarah Bradbury, MassDOT-H District 3 (Alternate)
  • Daryl Amaral, MassDOT-H District 2
  • Thomas Coyne, Transit, WRTA

Ex-Officio Members (Non-Voting):

  • Joshua Barber, FHWA Liaison
  • Kirstie Hostetter, FTA Liaison
  • Derek Krevat, MassDOT-OTP
  • Chris Klem, MassDOT-OTP
Transportation Planning Committee (T-Committee)


The purpose of the Transportation Planning Committee is to servce as the transportation advisory group for the Commission. The functions of the Committee are to:

  1. Advise the Commission to vote on Central Massachusetts Metropolitan Planning Organization (CMMPO) matters and bring forth the Commission view on CMMPO matters.
  2. Provide technical feedback to the Commission transportation staff on internal planning efforts related to transportation planning, including the integration of economic development and land use concerns. 
  3. Direct the Commission transportation staff on non-CMMPO planning efforts.
  4. Advise the Commission transportation staff on reviews of transportation impacts associated with proposed major regional developments.
  5. Become a point of reference with local communities dealing with transportion plan.

Transportation Planning Committee Membership

Chairperson, Robert Hassinger, Grafton
Central Subregion: Steve Rolle, Worcester; Brian Pigeon, Worcester
Northern Subregion: Otto Lies, Holden
Northeastern Subregion: Richard Baker, Boylston
Southeastern Subregion: Robert Hassinger, Grafton, Matthew Stencel, Sutton
Southwestern Subregion: Vacant
Western Subregion: Vacant

Transportation Planning Advisory Group (TPAG)


The Transportation Planning Advisory Group (TPAG) provides a forum for addressing service related issues that affect the elderly and people with disabilities who use the Worcester Regional Transit Authority (WRTA) service. TPAG addresses all types of service issues ranging from compliance with ADA service criteria, including fixed route and paratransit service, to improving existing services and advising on new services.

Representation on TPAG is broadly based including riders, human service agencies representing elderly and disabled clients, WRTA service providers, the WRTA Administrator and representatives from the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) who act as staff to TPAG. CMRPC staff prepares and mails monthly meeting minutes and agendas to over 125 individuals and agencies who have asked to be on the mailing list.

TPAG meets most months on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 1:00 to 2:30 P.M. Currently TPAG is meeting virtually. If you would like to place an item on the agenda you may do so by contacting CMRPC staff person Constance Mellis at 508-459-3328.

Economic Development Committees

Southern Worcester County Economic Development Organization (SWC EDO)


The SWC EDO is represented by a group of economic development professionals who seek to foster growth in the southern Worcester county region of Massachusetts. With members from a variety of sectors including local government and planning, higher education, private industry, and small business, the SWC EDO represents diverse perspectives on growth and development, equity, as well as workforce development.

The Economic Development Organization (EDO) and CMRPC staff update the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) to reflect the latest target redevelopment sites, innovative financing and permitting techniques, and the newest thinking in our region. View the SWC CEDS webpage.

Municipalities and governmental entities are allowed to contract directly with CMRPC in accordance with MGL Chapter 30B Sections 1 (b) (3) and (b) (9). Contract with CMRPC, contact CMRPC’s Executive Director, Janet Pierce at jpierce@cmrpc.org

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