View below for the most recent grant and funding opportunities for municipalities, buisnesses, and non-profit entities. We are continuously updating this webpage with opportunities. If you are looking for assistance on how to fund, implement, and execute a project or initiative, contact CMRPC and brainstorm with us.
Project Development & Resource Consultations
CMRPC hosts Virtual Open Office Hours for Project and Resource Development Consultations. These sessions are designed to facilitate brainstorming sessions and provide guidance on getting projects started and funded.
The Virtual Open Office Hours will take place every Tuesday and Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. beginning in September 2024. You’ll have the opportunity to meet with one of our planners who will assist in exploring ideas and strategies tailored to your municipality’s needs. To register in advance for a session, complete the Zoom Registration.
District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA)
The Massachusetts Legislature and the Governor has provided funding for the District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) Program for Calendar Year 2024. Since 2006, this program has enabled CMRPC to provide technical assistance to member communities on eligible projects.
This year CMRPC expects to receive approximately $265,000 to support our communities. DLTA grants allow municipalities to work with CMRPC on a range of projects, including but not limited to: Planning Ahead for Housing; Planning Ahead for Growth; and Technical Assistance to Support Community Cabinet Activities including Regionalization; and Supporting the Housing Choice Initiative.
District Local Technical Assistance Augmentation (DLTA-A) Funds
The Massachusetts Legislature and the Governor has provided funding for the District Local Technical Assistance Augmentation (DLTA-A) Funds Program for Calendar Year 2024. These funds can be utilized for searching and applying for Federal grants. CMRPC is able to collaborate with municipalities that may have an interest in applying to Federal grant programs.
State Funding Opportunities
Chapter 90 Program
Chapter 90 Program (rolling): The Chapter 90 Program provides municipalities with an annual funding resource for improvements and investments in local transportation networks. Each municipality in the Commonwealth is allocated a portion of program dollars. This allows municipalities to evaluate their own unique transportation goals and needs and allocate funds accordingly. For more information visit
Cybersecurity Health Check Program
Cybersecurity Health Check Program (rolling): The Cybersecurity Health Check Program supports local government agencies in providing basic cybersecurity services at no cost. The program will aid in identifying security gaps and their ability to safeguard data and systems from cyber threats. For more information contact
Mass Broadband Institute’s Residential Retrofit Program
Mass Broadband Institute’s Residential Retrofit Program (Rolling): The Residential Retrofit Program intends to increase low-income residents’ access to high-quality and affordable broadband access through the replacement of deficient infrastructure with updated wiring and cabling in Public & Affordable Housing properties. Housing operators should submit an expression of interest through MBI’s online form. MBI is coordinating this program with their existing Apartment WiFi program being run through the Metropolitan Area Planning Council. Your property may be eligible for both programs. Applications with multiple properties will be looked upon favorably, however, smaller-scale projects are also eligible. Contact Kerrie Salwa at
Greening Gateways Program
Greening the Gateways Program (rolling): Greening the Gateways Program provides funding to increase tree cover in urban residential areas. This will contribute to the reduction of household heating and cooling energy use by increasing tree cover in urban residential areas. For more information contact Hilary Dimino at
MassDEP Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grant
MassDEP Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grant (TBD): The MassDEP Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grant provides funding of up to $10,000 to schools, colleges, eligible municipalities, regional authorities, non-profit/for-profit organizations; for short-term waste reduction projects. For more information contact
Dam Removal Program
Dam Removal Program (BID opens August 30th, 2024): The Division of Ecological Restoration (DER) is seeking applications from Massachusetts municipalities for upcoming opportunities for dam removal preliminary design studies. The Dam Removal Program supports the removal of unwanted damns which may alter river function, reduce water quality, trap sediment, and block the movement of fish. For more information contact the Division of Ecological Restoration at
MassDEP Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grant
MassDEP Reduce, Reuse, Repair Micro-Grant (Next round TBD): This program awards for-profit and non-profit organizations, regional authorities, eligible municipalities, and educational institutions for short-term waste reduction projects. Eligible projects will promote the reduction of waste produced or extend the lifespan of products. The maximum award is $10,000. Contact Greer Jarvis for more information at
FY25 Law Enforcement Body-Worn Camera Program
FY25 Law Enforcement Body-Worn Camera Program (due October 7, 2024): The FY25 Law Enforcement Body-Worn Camera Program is open to police departments within Massachusetts municipalities. This program aims to increase public safety, enhance police-community relations, and cultivate accountability for the actions of police personnel. For more information contact Samantha Frongillo at
Efficiency & Regionalization (E&R) Program
Efficiency and Regionalization (E&R) Program (due October 10, 2024): The Efficiency and Regionalization competitive grants provide financial support to government entities interested in regionalization and other efficiency initiatives that allow for long-term sustainability. These grants will provide funding for one-time or transition costs for municipalities, regional school districts, schools seeking to potentially form a regional school district or regionalizing services, regional planning agencies, and councils of governments interested in such projects. For more information contact Sean Cronin at
MassDEP Water Quality Monitoring Program
MassDEP Water Quality Monitoring Grant Program (due October 11, 2024): The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection is seeking grant proposals that support ongoing or new monitoring and data collection efforts to increase the amount of external data MassDEP uses for water quality assessments under the federal Clean Water Act (“CWA”) through the Watershed Planning Program in the Bureau of Water Resources. Eligible entities include federally recognized Tribal Nations in MA, and non-profit organizations (i.e. watershed groups, lake and pond associations, and other non-profit organizations with the ability to conduct monitoring activities during SFY2025 (July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025). Grant awards will likely range from $20,000 (minimum) to $75,000 (maximum) per application as an individual organization OR as a coalition. Questions can be submitted to WQMG@Mass.Gov until September 18, 2024.
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Action Grant Program
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Action Grant Program (due November 1st): This competitive grant program offers financial support for community-based projects that help with adaptation to projected future climate impacts, including extreme weather, extreme temperatures, and flooding. Municipalities that have completed the MVP Planning 1.0 process or have received EEA MVP Community designation are eligible for this opportunity. Other state political subdivisions, including federally recognized and state-acknowledged tribes, are also eligible if the projects they apply for are aligned with recommendations from an MVP-approved climate resilience plan. In addition, partnerships of municipalities for which the lead applicant is MVP-designated are eligible. A 10% municipal total project cost cash and/or in-kind match is required. Contact Will Talbot at for more information.
Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants
Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants (rolling through November 2024): These grants benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase climate resilience, and capacity building to address environmental and climate justice challenges and issues. For more information, contact Julia Moore at or Micaela Leonarte Paredes, Federal Funds & Infrastructure Office at
Community Transit Program
Community Transit Grant Program (due November 1, 2024): The Community Transit Grant Program is a competitive grant to increase mobility for people with disabilities and older adults. Private operators of public transit, non-profit organizations, Councils on Aging, municipalities, and transit authorities are eligible to apply for funding. For more information contact Rachel Fichtenbaum at
Schools & Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program
Schools & Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program (due November 1, 2024): The Schools & Libraries Cybersecurity Pilot Program will provide funding to selected participants over a three-year period to purchase a variety of cybersecurity services and equipment.
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) 2.0 Grant Program
Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) 2.0 Grant Program (anticipated late 2024): Added support to build resilience to climate change. This grant program builds on MVP 1.0 to support communities with new processes, tools, and resources. The planning process revisits MVP 1.0 priorities with enhanced involvement of the wider community to conduct equitable climate resilience work. It includes funding to implement a seed project. No match requirement, joint municipal applications encouraged. Contact Sarah Plutnicki at for more information.
Recycling Education and Outreach Grant Program
Recycling Education and Outreach Grant Program (due December 20, 2024): The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting applications for one cooperative agreement that includes three projects: (1) development/implementation of a national consumer wasted food reduction campaign, (2) expansion of the market for/sales of compost, and (3) increase in education and outreach to households about composting. All applications are required to be coalition applications, and the EPA will only be making one award of ~$39 million. For more information please contact
Community Compact
Community Compact (rolling until funds are exhausted): The Community Compact program allows a community to implement at least one best practice selected from a variety of areas. The community’s chosen best practice will be reviewed between the municipality and Commonwealth to ensure the best practice chosen is unique and reflects relevant needed areas of improvement. For more information contact Jennifer McAllister at
Community Compact IT Grant Program
Community Compact IT Grant Program (anticipated January 6, 2025, due February 6, 2025): The Community Compact IT Grant Program supports innovation and transformation at the local level via investments in technology. Grants up to $200,000 will support implementation by funding one-time capital needs such as technology infrastructure or software. One-time costs related to the capital purchase such as planning, design, installation implementation, and initial training are eligible.
MHC Survey Planning Grant Program
MHC Survey and Planning Grant Program (due February 3, 2025): The Massachusetts Historical Commission Survey and Grant Planning Program is federally funded to support historic preservation efforts in communities throughout the state. Eligible activities include cultural resource inventories, nomination of significant properties to the National Register of Historic Places, completion of preservation plans, and other types of reporting, studies, projects, and publications that are related to identifying and protecting significant historic sites. For more information contact Michael Steinitz at
Massachusetts Historic Preservation Matching Grant
Massachusetts Historic Preservation Matching Grant: (due February 21, 2025): The Massachusetts Historic Preservation Matching Grant is a 1:1 opportunity allowing up to $10,000 for exterior work on historic properties leased or owned by non-profit organizations. For more information contact Stacia Caplanson at
Municipal Fiber Grant Program
Municipal Fiber Grant Program (anticipated March 10, 2025): The Municipal Fiber Grant Program will fund the closing of critical gaps that exist in municipal networks. Fiber allows communities to centralize the management of IT infrastructure, network monitoring, cybersecurity, records management, and backup and recovery. A cohesive network also creates opportunities to gain economies of scale by aggregating bandwidth purchases and the associated security infrastructure.
Massachusetts Land Conservation Assistance Program
Massachusetts Land Conservation Assistance Program (due April 11, 2025): Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) offers funding to address climate change, achieve the goals of the MA Clean Energy and Climate Plans, and improve greenspaces and outdoor recreation opportunities. Specifically, funding awarded from this program may be used to update municipal Open Space and Recreation Plans (OSRPs), assist with grant applications related to land protection, and plan for the renovation or development of parks. Contact Greer Jarvis at for more information.
Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program
Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program (rolling): The Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program allows municipalities to receive up to $25,000 to fund cybersecurity technology upgrades identified through a cybersecurity vulnerability assessment. Funds may be used to support upgrades in equipment, infrastructure, and technology improvement projects, including contractors/vendors or IT-related-staff costs. For more information contact Maxwell Fathy at
Federal & Other Funding Opportunities
Federal Funds and Infrastructure Office
Federal Funds and Infrastructure Office: This is a new resource that is currently offering federal funding opportunities to qualifying local and tribal governments. This recently introduced Federal Funding initiative presents as an invaluable resource for local leaders, aiding them to optimize federal funding prospects for the benefit of Massachusetts communities.
Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program
Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program (rolling): The Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program allows eligible municipalities to be awarded up to $25,000 for cybersecurity technology upgrades. Grants will be determined through a cybersecurity vulnerability assessment to build a municipality’s defense against cybersecurity threats. For more information contact Maxwell Fathy at
Public Electric Vehicle Charging
Public Electric Vehicle Charging (rolling): The Electric Vehicle Charging Program provides resources to help determine the costs of proposed Electric Vehicle charging infrastructure, as well as identifying potential funding sources. For more information contact the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation.
Technical Assistance for Adoption of Building Energy Codes Assistance
Technical Assistance for Adoption of Building Energy Codes Assistance (rolling) The Technical Assistance for Adoption of Building Energy Codes Assistance grant will support states and local jurisdictions in adopting, implementing, and enforcing zero energy codes, or equivalent codes and standards, improve residential and commercial construction and retrofits, and transitioning the building stock to more efficient, decarbonized buildings. For more information contact
Lead Services Line Replacement Program
Lead Service Line Replacement Program (rolling): The Massachusetts Clean Water Trust and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) are offering 0% percent interest construction loans to lead service line replacement and planning projects grants for assisting public water suppliers with completing planning projects for lead service line inventories and replacement programs. For more information contact
Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program
Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program (rolling): The Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program allows eligible municipalities to be awarded up to $25,000 for cybersecurity technology upgrades. Grants will be determined through a cybersecurity vulnerability assessment to build a municipality’s defense against cybersecurity threats. For more information contact Maxwell Fathy at
Clean Bus Planning Awards
Clean Bus Planning Awards (rolling): The Clean Bus Planning Awards program aids in reducing barriers to zero-emission bus deployment by aiding school and transit bus fleets with technical assistance to create comprehensive and customized fleet electrification transition plans. For more information contact
EDA Public Works Program
EDA Public Works Program (rolling): The EDA Public Works program provides funding to help communities build, design, or engineer critical infrastructure and facilities. Examples of projects include water and sewer system improvements and the creation or expansion of industrial parks. Projects must advance the EDA’s Investment priorities and be consistent with the region’s current Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). They also must be in a geographic region subject to the EDA’s economic distress criteria. The typical EDA cost share rate for projects is 50 percent. Eligible applicants include local governments and nonprofit organizations. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis. Contact Kerrie Salwa at for more information.
EDA Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA)
EDA Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA) (rolling): The EDA’s EAA program provides investments that support a wide range of construction and non-construction activities. Examples of projects include the construction or upgrading of public infrastructure and the procurement of equipment for workforce training programs. Projects must advance the EDA’s Investment priorities and be consistent with the region’s current Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). They also must be in a geographic region subject to the EDA’s economic distress criteria. The typical EDA cost share rate for projects is 50 percent. Eligible applicants include local governments and nonprofit organizations. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis. Contact Kerrie Salwa at for more information.
EDA Planning and Local Technical Assistance Programs
EDA Planning and Local Technical Assistance Programs (rolling): The EDA’s Planning and Local Technical Assistance programs are designed to support economic development, foster job creation, and attract private investment. The Planning program assists eligible recipients in managing and coordinating the development and implementation of regional economic development plans, such as Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS), and plans to guide the creation and/or retention of high-quality jobs and private investment attraction. The Local Technical Assistance program strengthens the capacity of local, regional, or State organizations and institutions to undertake economic development projects such as feasibility studies, impact analyses, disaster resiliency plans, and project planning. Projects must advance the EDA’s Investment priorities. The typical EDA cost share rate for projects is 50 percent. Eligible applicants include local governments and nonprofits. Contact Kerrie Salwa at for more information.
Rural Business Investment Program
Rural Business Investment Program (rolling): The Rural Business Investment Program provides a Rural Business Investment Company (RBIC) license to newly formed developmental capital organizations to aid in meeting equity capital investment needs in rural communities. For more information contact
Rural Energy for America Program Energy Audit & Renewable Energy Development Assistance
Rural Energy for America Program Energy Audit & Renewable Energy Development Assistance (rolling): This program assists rural small businesses and agricultural producers by conducting and promoting energy audits and providing Rural Energy Development Assistance (REDA). Funds must be provided to agricultural producers and small businesses in eligible rural areas. Government organizations, rural electric cooperatives, and public power entities are among the eligible organizations. For more information contact Jordan Henault at
On-Farm Labor Housing Loans
On-Farm Labor Housing Loans (rolling): This program provides affordable financing to develop or rehabilitate affordable rental housing for very low to moderate-income domestic, migrant, and seasonal farm laborers. It also provides funding used to increase the supply of affordable housing for farm labor; and the ability of the farmer to provide affordable, decent, safe, and sanitary housing for farm workers. Individual farm owners, family farmers, and farmer associations are among those eligible to apply. For more information contact the USDA Processing and Report Review Branch at
Community Facilities Loan & Grant Program
Community Facilities Loan & Grant Program (rolling): This program provides funds to improve, construct, develop, and finance essential community facilities for rural communities such as hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, certain schools, childcare centers, fire and rescue, public safety facilities, libraries, and town halls. Government organizations, public bodies, and community-based non-profit organizations are among those eligible to apply. For more information contact Lyndon Nichols at
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program
Water & Waste Disposal Loan & Grant Program (rolling): This program provides funding for clean and reliable drinking water systems, sanitary sewage disposal, sanitary solid waste disposal, and stormwater drainage to households and businesses in eligible rural areas. Funds can be used to buy, build, repair, and improve public water and waste treatment and collection systems. Government organizations and non-profit organizations are among those eligible to apply. For more information contact Lyndon Nichols at
Hometown Grants
Hometown Grants (anticipated October 2024): The Hometown Grant is an initiative to support community projects including but not limited to historic revitalization, creating downtown assets or destinations, and improving community gathering spaces. Projects that focus on a sense of place or could lead to future investments are of interest. For more information visit
Recreation Economy for Rural Communities
Recreation Economy for Rural Communities (due October 16, 2024): The Recreation Economy for Rural Communities program assists communities in identifying strategies to increase their outdoor recreation economy and revitalize their main streets. For more information contact
Tribal Climate Resilience
Tribal Climate Resilience (due October 18, 2024): The Tribal Climate Resilience provides funding to federally recognized tribes to address current and future climate change impacts on Tribal Treaty and Trust resources, economies, regenerative agriculture and food sovereignty, conservation practices, infrastructure, and human health and safety. For more information contact
Rooting Resilience: Funding and Technical Assistance for Urban and Community Forestry Projects
Rooting Resilience: Funding and Technical Assistance for Urban and Community Forestry Projects (due October 23, 2024): The Rooting Resilience Program will provide funding and technical assistance to community-based projects that build resilience and enhance communities’ abilities to plan and carry out forestry projects. Funding is available for projects located in federally designated disadvantaged communities, including urban, suburban, and rural communities in the United States and its territories. Grant awards will range from $75,000 to $200,000 over a 1–3-year period. For more information, please contact
EDA FY2024 Build to Scale Progra
EDA FY2024 Build to Scale Program (due October 28, 2024). The EDA’s $50 million Build to Scale (B2S) program is designed to fund organizations that support entrepreneurs as they build and scale businesses that make and deliver new technology products and services. Eligible applicants include states, political subdivisions, and other entities. Projects should advance equity in underserved populations/communities. A minimum one-to-one (1:1) match is required for Build to Scale awards. EDA expects to make 40-50 awards with award amounts spanning low hundreds of thousands of dollars to the maximum Federal share of $5 million. Applications must be submitted on the Economic Development Grants Experience (EDGE) platform. Contact Kerrie Salwa at for more information.
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (due October 31, 2024) The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program assists states, local governments, and tribes in implementing strategies for energy reduction, reducing fossil fuel emissions, and improving energy efficiency. For more information contact
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) (Anticipated October 2024): BRIC supports states, local communities, tribes, and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards. The program’s guiding principles are supporting communities through capability and capacity building; encouraging and enabling innovation; promoting partnerships; enabling large infrastructure projects; maintaining flexibility; and providing consistency. For more information, contact Marc Granato at
2024 Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)
Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) (Anticipated October 2024): The Flood Mitigation Assistance grant is a competitive program that provides funding to states, federally recognized Tribal governments, U.S. territories, and local governments. Funds are for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA chooses recipients based on the applicant’s ranking of the project, eligibility, and cost-effectiveness of the project. FEMA requires applicants to have a current hazard mitigation plan. For more information, contact Marc Granato at
Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants
Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants (rolling through November 2024): These grants benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase climate resilience, and build capacity to address environmental and climate justice challenges. For more information, contact Julia Moore at or Micaela Leonarte Paredes, Federal Funds & Infrastructure Office at
Electronics Scrap Recycling Advancement Prize
Electronics Scrap Recycling Advancement Prize (Phase 2 anticipated November 2024): The Electronics Scrap Recycling Advancement Prize is a three-phase competition awarding up to $4 million to competitors to increase the production and use of critical materials recovered from electronic scrap, also known as e-scrap. Eligible participants can include individuals, teams of individuals, private entities, and nonfederal government entities. For more information visit
Urban & Community Forestry Challenge Grants
Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grants (due November 1, 2024) The Urban and Community Forestry Challenge Grants allow municipalities and non-profit groups to protect and improve their urban forests. This 50/50 matching grant helps grow, develop, and sustain programs that protect, plan, and maintain a community’s public tree resources and develop partnerships with residents and institutions in the community. For more information contact
Healthy Communities Grant Program
Healthy Communities Grant Program (due November 1, 2024): The Healthy Communities Grant Program is New England’s competitive grant program to collaborate with communities to reduce environmental risks and protect and improve human health and quality of life. For more information contact Zac Degler at
Brownfields Assessment Grants
Brownfields Assessment Grants (due November 14, 2024): The Brownfields Assessment Grants funding for communities to develop inventories of existing brownfield sites and assist in site-specific cleanup plans, community involvement activities, and conduct planning and site assessments, and develop reuse plans related to brownfields. For more information contact Elyse Salinas at
State & Local Cybersecurity Grant Program
State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (due December 1, 2024) Funding from the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) and the Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program (TCGP) helps eligible entities address cybersecurity risks and threats to information systems owned or operated by—or on behalf of—SLT governments and Tribal governments. Through two distinct Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs), SLCGP and TCGP combined will make available $1 billion over four years to support projects throughout the performance period of up to four years which established the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program, “appropriating $1 billion to be awarded over four years, including $200 million in Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 and $400 million in FY23.” For more information, contact us at
Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR) Grants for Communities
Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling (SWIFR) Grants for Communities (due December 20, 2024): The EPA is requesting applications for projects that implement the creation of a circular economy, that improves local post-consumer materials management programs (including municipal recycling), and that improve local waste management systems. The minimum award floor for this grant is $500,000, and the maximum award ceiling is $5,000,000. For more information, please contact
Recycling Education & Outreach Grant Program
Recycling Education and Outreach Grant Program (due December 20, 2024): The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting applications for one cooperative agreement that includes three projects: (1) development/implementation of a national consumer wasted food reduction campaign, (2) expansion of the market for/sales of compost, and (3) increase in education and outreach to households about composting. All applications are required to be coalition applications, and the EPA will only be making one award of ~$39 million. For more information, please contact
Flood Mitigation Assistance Swift Current
Flood Mitigation Assistance Swift Current (due January 15, 2025): The Flood Mitigation Assistance Swift Current is federally funded through the Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) program, provided by the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA). This funding opportunity aims to deliver mitigation funding to the disaster survivor experience and reduce or eliminate flood risk to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) participating communities, and repetitive flood damage to structures and buildings insured by the NFIP, following the event of a flood-related disaster while enhancing community flood resilience. For more information contact