Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG)
The Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) is a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program funded through the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). The program aims to develop regional short and long term climate plans with a goal to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A total of $1 million will be allocated to the Worcester, MA-CT Metro Area. It is a 4-year planning grant to develop a Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP), Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP), and a Status Report that is due at the end. CMRPC is the lead organization. Please visit the grant website, take our survey, and review recently completed plans below.
Greater Worcester PCAP
CMRPC completed the development of the first of two key plans. The Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) focuses on short term, implementable projects that can reduce GHG emissions. The plan integrates six key emissions sectors: Transportation, Electricity, Commercial and Residential Buildings, Waste and Materials Management, Industry, and Agricultural/Working Lands.
Greater Worcester CCAP
The second plan is the Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP) which focuses on long term policies, strategies, and goals that municipalities can implement to further reduce GHG emissions. Similar to the PCAP, this plan integrates the following six key emissions sectors: Transportation, Electricity, Commercial and Residential Buildings, Waste and Materials Management, Industry, and Agricultural/Working Lands.
Status Report
The third plan is due at the end of the 4-year grant period and must include an implementation status of quantified GHG reduction measures, any relevant updated GHG analyses or projections, and next steps and future budget/staffing needs.
Due Summer 2025
Due by Summer 2027
Affordable Access to Clean & Efficient Energy
Led by the Department of Energy Resources (DOER) and the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the initiative addresses barriers to clean energy investment by the State’s low-and moderate-income residents. CMRPC designed a site to provide information on available clean energy programs for residential customers (including renters and property owners) in the Commonwealth. On the site you will find information on Clean Energy Programs, Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy Technology, Energy Bill Assistance, Energy Efficiency for Renters/Tenants, Property Owners and Municipal Light Plant Customers.
Municipal Energy Planning Virtual Workshop Series
With the support of the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, CMRPC and the UMass Collins Center presented a series of virtual panelist presentations on the energy efficiency topics most important to you. The sessions were held in May 2022 through June 2022.