A State Designated Regional Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Service Center Since 1999
For over two decades, CMRPC has been using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to help both in-house staff and our member municipalities develop maps, create and maintain data, understand complex issues and improve decision making. The GIS program has an extensive GIS library covering the CMRPC region and beyond. GIS staff maintain data provided by federal, state, municipal, and private sources, as well as custom data sets generated by commission staff.
It’s GIS staff have worked on a wide variety of projects ranging in both size and complexity for both municipal and state entities. We can help member communities on a whole range of services such as maps for reports and presentations to developing/maintaining data layers. Some examples include town owned land auction maps, zoning maps, annual assessor map updates, build out analysis, and infrastructure mapping. Some examples include town owned land auction maps, zoning maps, annual assessor map updates, build out analysis, and infrastructure mapping.
The GIS program can also provide technical support (via in person, phone, email) to member communities on the use of GIS software. GIS training can also be provided on the use of ESRI’s ArcMap software, either one-on-one or in small groups. For further information about the CMRPC GIS program and how it might you, please contact, Matt Franz, GISP
The CMRPC Municipal GIS Program (Muni-GIS) is a regionalized approach to providing member communities with an affordable means of having “in-house” GIS capabilities. Participating communities are able to utilize CMRPC GIS staff to perform a wide variety of projects and services involving maps, data analysis and technical support.
CMRPC is a Member of MARGIS
The Massachusetts Alliance of Regional Geographic Information Systems (MARGIS) is an alliance of GIS professionals representing each of Massachusetts’ 13 regional planning agencies. MARGIS actively engages in the evaluation of an ever-changing GIS technology and, through MARPA, supports a coordinated approach toward development of a truly integrated, multipurpose, statewide GIS.