This timeline will guide us to plan completion in FY’24. Our current phase: Scenario Planning includes workshops with stakeholders to prepare for different versions of the future. All aspects of the timeline will be informed by our stakeholders, steering committee, advisory committee, and Central MA residents.
“The 3 E’s”
Imagine 2050 will be framed based on a sustainability framework of Economy, Environment, and Equity, aka “The 3 E’s”. Economy includes local economic development and workforce development.
Environment includes local intersections of all living species, climate, and resources.
Equity includes consistent, systematic, fair, and impartial treatment of all residents.
Cross-Cutting Themes
When we’re thinking about our 3 E’s, we want to apply a number of cross-cutting themes to those conversations. All of these themes have big implications for each of our pillars
Regional Planning
The Road to Imagine 2050
CMRPC Development Framework: Population
2020 Growth Strategy: Development Framework
2020 Growth Strategy: Update
Compact Plans and Prioritization Projects