The Town of Warren is updating its Master Plan. This plan will lay out a vision for Warren’s future over the next ten years and provide a roadmap for achieving community goals. There are many opportunities to get involved, including open monthly meetings, a community survey, and a workshop.
What is a Master Plan?
A Master Plan is a comprehensive community plan that explores important topics such as land use, natural resources, economic development, housing, transportation, and other themes.
Through the planning process, Warren will assess its challenges and opportunities by collecting research and input from the community. Once written, the Master Plan will lay out a vision for Warren’s future and strategies to achieve it.
Master Plans require periodic updates. Issues, challenges, and resident preferences can change a lot in 10-20 years, which is the typical horizon of a Master Plan. Warren’s current Master Plan was written in 2006.
How does a Master Plan help Warren?
A Master Plan helps a community
- Manage growth and change
- Provide for orderly and predictable development
- Protect environmental resources
- Set priorities for developing and maintaining infrastructure and public facilities
- Strengthen local identity
- Create a framework for future policy decisions
- Promote open, democratic planning
- Provide guidance to landowners, developers, and permitting authorities
Get Involved
Town Survey
Thank you for taking the Warren Master Plan Survey! Submission period has closed. Results of the survey will be posted here.
Master Plan Community Workshop
Thank you for joining us at our Master Plan Community Workshop on May 29th! We had so much fun!
Monthly Meetings
Master Plan meetings are concurrent with Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) meetings, typically held on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 4 pm, online and in the Selectboard meeting room. We encourage all interested parties to attend. See the town website for meeting postings and agendas.
Plan Timeline
January 2024: Kick-off
April 2024: Survey Launch
May 2024: Community Workshop
June 2024-June 2025: Plan Development
August 2025: Public Comment
October 2025: Select Board Vote