Congestion management is the application of strategies to improve transportation system performance and reliability by reducing the adverse impacts of congestion on the movement of people and goods. A Congestion Management Process (CMP) is a systematic and regionally-accepted approach for managing congestion that provides accurate, up to date information on transportation system performance and assesses alternative strategies for congestion management that meet both state and local needs. The CMP is intended to move these congestion management strategies into the funding and implementation stages.
Please refer to the CMP Mitigation Toolbox in order to assess the causes of vehicle delay and make plans to remedy them. The Toolbox was made as a reference for communities in the CMRPC region to reference. The Toolbox incorporates past CMP recommendations that were included in previous CMP progress reports. Most suggested recommendations pertain to specific intersections or to a section of roadway containing multiple intersections. There are also some general suggestions that staff has commonly made for intersections and roadways.
There are various types of transportation data that are collected and analyzed for the CMP to help create projects and reduce congestion. The types of data included in the CMP are Travel Time & Delays, Turning Movement Counts (TMCs), Park and Ride Facilities, Bicycle & Pedestrian counts, WRTA Fixed Route Transit, Traffic Volumes, Safety, Accessibility, and Travel Time Reliability.
In addition, Bottlenecks are also included in the CMP. A Traffic Bottleneck is defined by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) as a localized constriction of traffic flow, often on a highway segment that experiences reduced speeds and inherent delays, due to recurring operational influence or a nonrecurring impacting event. Further, a bottleneck is an area of poor Level of Service (LOS) or high Volume to Capacity (V/C) ratio which ends at a point, has a recurring cause, and, maybe most importantly, exhibits a return to free flow speeds after the bottleneck end point.
Below is the most recent Congestion Management Process (CMP) Progress Report: