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CMRPC Region

The CMRPC Community Snapshots are a planning tool for member communities and the public which includes commonly requested information on the region and CMRPC member communities. The data is presented in the form of interactive tables, charts and dashboards. This page presents a mix of data in the areas of Population, Economy, Environmental Justice, Housing, Education, Transportation from a range of authoritative sources. For more information on the source of the data used to develop the CMRPC Community Snapshots View the Data Matrix. If you are using a mobile device or a small format screen this page my not display correctly.


Please use the selectors to the right to explore economic related data for the CMRPC region. Data sets included are total population, population change, population by age and gender and median age from the US Census Bureau. Population projection information out to 2050 is available from the CMRPC Regional Socio-Economic Projections.


Please use the selectors to the right to explore economic related data for the CMRPC region. Data sets included are tax rates from the Division of Local Services (DLS), income and occupation data from the US Census Bureau.


Please use the selectors to the right to explore housing related data for the CMRPC region. Data sets included are town level Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) information from the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Devlopment, housing occupancy, housing age and the number of bedrooms in a structure from the US Census Bureau.


Please use the selectors to the right to explore transportation related data for the CMRPC region. Data sets included are vehicles available and commute time from the US Census Bureau as well as pedestrian network inventory numbers from the CMRPC Asset Management System.

Open Space and Trails

Please use the selectors to the right to explore open space and trails related data for the CMRPC region. Data sets included are open space by public access, purpose and owner from MassGIS and the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs as well as trails data from MassDOT and CMRPC.

Find Your Community

Select a community on the map to learn more about how CMRPC is planning for the future for each municipality in the region.

Municipalities and governmental entities are allowed to contract directly with CMRPC in accordance with MGL Chapter 30B Sections 1 (b) (3) and (b) (9). Contract with CMRPC, contact CMRPC’s Executive Director, Janet Pierce at jpierce@cmrpc.org

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