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Transportation Safety Planning

We Aim to Enhance the Safety of Our Transportation System the Everyone

Safety is our primary focus at CMRPC, shaping all our planning efforts. We believe that everyone in our region should reach home safely, regardless of their transportation method. Our consistent dedication to prioritizing the safety of all transportation users in users in the CMRPC region demonstrates this belief.

We aim to reduce preventable transportation incidents like crashes, injuries, and deaths in our region. We collaborate with our member communities to identify and address problem areas on the roads, using data-driven methods. Our goal is to find innovative solutions while considering the unique needs of each community.

Our Services

CMRPC can help improve safety in our communities by working together to:

  • Conduct Road Safety Audits to address problems relevant to the community.
  • Implement Speed Management strategies into the planning process.
  • Provide guidance in implementing a robust and accessible pedestrian and bicycle network.
  • Aide with ADA compliance and access management within the transportation network.
  • Emphasize that the safety needs of the vulnerable populations and most at-risk populations in your community are being addressed and met.
  • Seek roadway compliance at the regional, state, and federal level with Safety Performance measures.
  • Determine appropriate traffic control device implementation through the CMMPO’s UPWP Community Technical Assistance Task.
  • Foster relationships between community leaders and municipal employees with available state and federal resources.
  • Assess and improve the resiliency of your community’s complete transportation system.
  • Assist with the collection and presentation of safety related information via MassDOT’s IMPACT portal.


CMMPO Safety Report

CMRPC publishes a Safety Report that highlights the Top 200 Statewide Intersection Crash Clusters within the region, as well as HSIP clusters. The report and other information regarding crash locations can be found below. In addition, CMRPC are beginning to expand neighborhood walk audits and Road Safety Audits (RSA) to improve transportation safety in the region.

MassDOT Impact Portal

CMRPC staff utilize the MassDOT Impact Portal for transportation safety data for the region and state. The portal provides pre-built interactive dashboards, data query and visualization tools, data extraction, pre-built reports, crash tabulation and charting, and safety analysis tools. CMRPC staff are happy to assist any individual with data requests involving the portal.

Safe Streets for All and Safe Routes to School

CMRPC is always looking to improve the safety of its members communities. CMRPC can assist with Safe Routes to School designations as well as provide expertise on various State and Federal grants, such as Safe Streets for All program.

Municipalities and governmental entities are allowed to contract directly with CMRPC in accordance with MGL Chapter 30B Sections 1 (b) (3) and (b) (9). Contract with CMRPC, contact CMRPC’s Executive Director, Janet Pierce at jpierce@cmrpc.org

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