Digital Equity Planning

What is Digital Equity?

Digital equity refers to ensuring that residents have access to broadband services (including it being affordable and sufficient bandwidth), access to devices, and digital literacy. The CMRPC strongly encourages municipalities to participate in digital equity planning so that the CMRPC region is in the best position possible to access implementation resources, including future funding for broadband access, affordability, technology, and digital literacy.

Our Services

The Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) has rolled out its Municipal Digital-Equity Planning (DeP) program, which provides an opportunity for cities and towns to access free consultant services to undertake digital equity planning work on a municipal or multi-town/regional basis.  The Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission is a pre-qualified Digital Equity Planning consultant and can provide services to municipalities in the region.

Project Highlights

5-Town Regional Digital Equity Report

CMRPC is embarking on a 5-town Digital Equity Charrette. Municipalities involved in the initiative include Hardwick, North Brookfield, West Brookfield, Barre, and New Braintree.

With the support of the Massachusetts Broadband Institute, all 5 communities will take on the 90-day charrette process to learn more about the community’s needs in closing the digital divide highlighted by the onset of COVID-19 pandemic.

Connecting Worcester Digital Equity Report

In Fall 2023, the City of Worcester submitted an application to MBI to partake in the Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program. For its planning activity, the City chose to undertake a series of charettes, or public workshops, to engage municipal officials, community groups, residents, and other stakeholders about the status of digital equity in the community. The City selected the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) as its consultant.

Between December 2023 and March 2024, CMRPC facilitated three public charettes with the guidance of the City of Worcester and the Worcester Digital Equity Working Group, a collection of stakeholders from across the City who are focused on tackling the digital divide. This report analyzes the results of the charette process and recommends future steps that the City can take to promote digital equity.

The Worcester Digital Equity Working Group was coordinated by CMRPC and David Quiroa, Community & Intergovernmental Affairs Manager in the office of the Worcester City Manager.

Connecting Charlton Digital Equity Report

In the Summer and Fall of 2023, the Town of Charlton embarked on a Digital Equity Charette. The Connecting Charlton Charette gave the town a chance to discuss the increasingly digital society we live in, and what challenges the community may face. As the COVID-19 pandemic heightened digital inequalities, Mass Broadband Institute launched the Municipal Digital Equity Planning Program for communities like Charlton that may face digital inequity.

CMRPC’s role in Charlton’s Digital Equity Charette was to engage stakeholders and community members about the current state of the internet and possibilities towards advancing digital access for residents. CMRPC also collected demographic information utilizing Census data, local plans, and data sources provided by MBI to inform the existing conditions analysis that plays a role in guiding Charlton’s vision.

Charlton has been able to create a vision to guide the community’s commitment to digital equity: Charlton residents should have equal and adequate access to high-speed broadband, opportunities to gain digital literacy skills, and access to devices to access the Internet. Charlton will continue to support institutions that help advance digital equity for all residents while targeting vulnerable populations for digital literacy and device training programming.

Charlton will promote the Affordable Connectivity Program to expand enrollment for eligible residents. Charlton will help support digital literacy and device training programs for vulnerable populations, as well as address connectivity issues in unstable areas.

Municipalities and governmental entities are allowed to contract directly with CMRPC in accordance with MGL Chapter 30B Sections 1 (b) (3) and (b) (9). Contract with CMRPC, contact CMRPC’s Executive Director, Janet Pierce at

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