The towns of Hardwick, North Brookfield, West Brookfield, Barre, and New Braintree and the CMRPC are collaborating to host a conversation about how internet, device access, and digital skills can be improved throughout the five-town sub region. Your input is vital in creating a future that allows all residents to participate socially and economically.
Get Involved
Community Workshops
Community workshops will be announced in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
Community Survey
We want to hear from you about your experiences with getting and using internet service! This survey is completely anonymous. Your feedback is vital to understanding barriers to internet access, affordability, and adoption to help close the digital divide.
We Want to Hear from You!
Digital Equity
A condition in which all individuals and communities have the technological capacity needed for full participation in our society, democracy, and economy.
Digital Literacy
The Ability to use information and communication technologies to find, evaluate, create, and communicate information, requiring both cognitive and technical skills.
Broadband Equity
Broadband equity is achieved when all people and communities are able to access and use affordable, high-speed, reliable internet that meets their long-term needs.